Here's a message from the staff at Darien Elementary School: https://youtu.be/8PxYvfOWZJo

A message from our staff here at Turtle Creek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ablG_dMIrwk&feature=youtu.be

Please see the link for updated information on meal pick up for this week which will be on Thursday, April 9 NOT Friday, April 10: https://5il.co/eve2

Congratulations to the DDSD Music Department which earned another NAMM "Best Communities for Music Education" award. #CometProud

We would like to remind everyone that there is still time to sign up and select your courses for Comet Summer Camp. Course selection closes on Wednesday, April 15. For more information go to: https://www.ddschools.org/o/delavan-darien/page/summer-school--74

Per the state mandate all school in the Delavan-Darien School District are closed from March 16 to April 6. Please check our website and social media (Facebook & Twitter) for updates.

Students at Turtle Creek Elementary Learned about science today from MobileEd Productions. They were extremely captivated by the show.

Today, students at Turtle Creek Elementary are celebrating the 100th Day of the 2019-2020 school year.

Delavan-Darien School District and TLC Little Comets Learning Center present Power to the Parent Night! This free workshop night is for any parent, even those with children who are not yet coming to school. Information can be found clicking on this link: http://bit.ly/2TJIbJ8

Winter Concerts are coming up! 5K, 1st, and 2nd Grade concerts are Thursday, December 19th.
5K-start at 5:00 (students arrive at 4:40)
1st-start at 6:15 (students arrive at 5:50)
2nd-start at 7:30 (students arrive at 7:10)
4K is during the day on Wednesday, December 18.

Please read this letter about this Friday's safety drill. Thank you. Por favor lea esta nota sobre nuestro simulacro de cierre de emergencias que esta planificado para este Viernes. Gracias.

Fall Family Conference Night for Turtle Creek is Tuesday, October 22nd from 4:30-5:30. Please return the Family Conference Night form to your student's teacher by October 14. We look forward to seeing all of you!

Las conferencias familiares de otoño de Turtle Creek están planificadas para el Martes, 22 de octubre de 4:30 -5:30. Por favor devuelva la forma sobre las conferencias al maestro de su hijo antes del 14 de octubre. ¡Los esperamos aquí a todos!

Marque su calendario para el Viernes 25 de octubre. Tendremos nuestra evento de otoño de 6-8 PM en la escuela primaria Turtle Creek. Tendremos juegos, bocadillos, y artesanías! El evento está patrocinado por el departamento de parques, la biblioteca pública Aram y Turtle Creek.

Mark your calendars for Friday, October 25th for the Harvest Time Hullabaloo from 6-8 PM at Turtle Creek Elementary. There will be games, treats, crafts, and a costume contest! Brought to you by Delavan Parks & Rec, Aram Public Library, and Turtle Creek! http://bit.ly/2oJezOx

The Community Learning Center (CLC) after school program is starting this Thursday. It's free, includes a snack, reading/math time, and enrichment. We do have spots available. Download packet here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o23DNuNOjMiftAfvSvk9YYaC2zN3ogDW/view?usp=sharing

Picture Day is Thursday, September 26th! Order forms were sent out last week, so please contact your student's teacher if you need another one.

It’s Homecoming week here at DDSD, and we’re celebrating at Turtle Creek with Dress Up Days!
Monday is Pajama Day
Tuesday is Hippie Day
Wednesday is Beach Day
Thursday is Rodeo Day
Friday is Comet Gear Day
Feel free to contact your child’s teacher for more details!

The Turtle Creek Elementary School Office will be closed tomorrow, Friday, August 30. We look forward to seeing everyone for the first day of school on Tuesday, September 3! School officially starts at 8:20 am! Breakfast and playground opens after 7:50 am during school days!

4K Registration. Please ensure you enroll your child into our 4K program. Click here to start the process. https://www.ddschools.org/o/delavan-darien/page/enrollment-and-registration--2