Welcome to Turtle Creek Elementary

Turtle Creek Elementary School is part of the Delavan-Darien School District and is located in the City of Delavan. Turtle Creek has approximately 500 students enrolled in 4-year old kindergarten through 2nd grade. We also house an Early Childhood program onsite and pride ourselves on the integration that occurs within the EC and 4K classrooms. Our 4K program is a full day, five day a week program that offers students the opportunity to receive Specials (Phy Ed, Music, Art, Library , Technology) daily. We pride ourselves on the opportunity to enrich our students day with the various specials offered 4K-2nd, including our Music department which has been recognized by NAMM for its outstanding program.
Families have the opportunity to be enrolled in a Dual Language Program from 4K and receive their instruction in both Spanish and English or in a Monolingual program and receive their instruction in all English. All students receive their core instruction of Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies, as well as other programming that focuses on building fine motor and visual perception skills and Social Emotional development. We look to develop the whole child - academically, socially and emotionally. Turtle Creek also houses an after school 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) program that promotes real world learning and hands on experiences for students in 5K through 4th grade.