Duchemin Awarded Holtshopple Scholarship & Spectrum Award of Excellence
Elevate Your Comet School Spirit
Let's Make a Difference Together!
Greatest Threat to our Youth is the Internet!
Parent / Teacher Conferences
Fall One Act Plays Nov. 3 & 4
Digital Ticketing Now Available
Comet Nation Student T-shirts
2-Hour Early Release Sept. 29
Homecoming 2023
 Introducing the 2023-2024 Hope Squad Team!
DDSD Community Resource Fair!
Register Now for an Amazing Academic Year!
DDSD Welcomes SFE as New Food Service Provider
Honoring Our Veterans: A Football Game Tribute
Back-to-school Shopping
Register Your Student Today!
ParentSquare - New District Communications Platform
Learning Mobile starts June 19!
Kyle Polzin Named New DDSD Athletic and Activities Director